Archive for April, 2012

Preparing for Bees

We had decided to get bees, we had taken a class about beekeeping, we had read our books, we had the backing of many generous sponsors – so now what? The first step was to get the supplies we needed to house and care for the bees. We placed our order with a large local […]

Our Bee Adventure Begins

Where did this all start? I didn't grow up dreaming of an apiary. I didn't give it a whole lot of thought until one day I wondered just how doable it would be for an average person to keep bees - did you need specialized training/knowledge? How much time would it take? Would it even […]

Beginning Beekeeping

Thanks to all of our generous and awesome donors from our Kickstarter campaign, we now have bees! We have successfully set up our first apiary and have been photo documenting the process of getting, installing, and checking on our new bees. :) It's been absolutely amazing so far - despite the fact our bee suits […]